Derrick Cannon
4 min readSep 6, 2016


The Potential and Creativity of the Everyday Believer

In our lives we our given chances to help others, motivate young individuals, provide for others, and find multiple ways to live our lives to their fullest potential. Many of us strive to find ways to self improve, plan, and create strategies to guide us in all walks of life. Strain can often mislead us into a life of oversimplified leisure. Procrastination can often happen to writers, students, and even the most creative individual. All lives need a moment of reflection of what we truly need, and then we can look for ways to rejuvenate ourselves.

Our lord calls us to follow a path that at times can seem too hard to tackle in our hectic everyday lives, but if you look deep inside yourselves as Thessalonians 1:5 states, “ our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.”
We are called in multiple ways and it is our duty to utilize each one of the gifts that God has granted us and have the ability to always be able to pick ourselves back up. We need a moment to refresh our minds and get back up and have the ability to stay hot for something and not cold( as Revelation would put it).

The Old Testament and New Testament our full of stories of men and women who have that ability and give everything that is needed at any particular time. It could have been easy for Esther to sit back and say nothing to a king who would had the ability to execute all who came to him unannounced, yet had she not Esther, her relatives, and all of the Jews in her region would have felt devastating ramifications. Esther had the ability to see what her time required and had the ability to create a plan that saved the lives of her family and numerous Jewish citizens.
In the New Testament Paul could have overlooked the potential in Philemon, especially given his status as a slave and just viewed him as an unwanted addition. Instead he saw that he could potentially transform both Philemon and his own lives for the better, they were able to develop a mutual relationship in faith and Paul was able to utilize Philemon’s standing as a stance that all lives are incredibly meaningful especially when they are led through the grace of God.

In a similar way we are called to use our strengths, our minds, and our faith in a way that can transform the lives of others. We are given our gifts for a reason and we have the ability to utilize them for the betterment of all of God’s creation. In the Lord we are all united, we have the ability to reflect upon meaningful gifts and develop incredible relationships that can stand the strongest tests. We all have times where we need to rest, but we all need a moment where we can push ourselves further.
This can have bigger ramifications than on just the lives of one individual, it can help a family create everlasting moments, it can bring a community together, and on rare occasions leave a lasting effect, on a city, nation, or perhaps even the world.
We are all capable of passing on great moments, teachers can come in many forms, and pastors can come from different walks of life. The truest mentor can help individuals realize their potential and use our gifts that we might have never dreamed possible. If we can reflect on what we excel at we can use that to push us further.
Sometimes it can take time, and at other points in can come at a specific moment. Leaders can use that to connect with others and captivate audiences. Pastors use this to help believers grow in their faith. Faith itself can help us overcome obstacles and take on the strongest challenge.
Pastors can help us grow in our faith, and help us notice the connections between God and the gifts that he has given us. Pastors have a role of uniting communities of believers that are both small and large, and help them grow and realize how they can rely on one another.
As families of believers it is the role of the church to help communities of believers come together and learn new positions on even the most ordinary topics. Passing on knowledge is one of the greatest gifts that an individual can give to a child, a teen, a student, or a new believer. If we have a gift we can’t just hide it from society. It is a core facet of our personality. The writer can create inspiring blogs, write articles, books, novels, and possesses the ability to always look for the next idea. Artists can create images that can capture a moment, a scene, or a fantastical world, and an actor can portray so many emotions. It is our role as believers to help one another excel with their gifts and utilize them for the betterment of both this world and the next. God will always be at the front and the Lord at the center, all we truly have to do is believe in the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, and each other and can use our potential and learn from the hearts of our whole family of believers.

